Award & Grant Opportunities

Book Prize

The Photography Network book prize seeks to honor innovation in photography scholarship, expression, and distribution. The book prize will be awarded to an edited volume, exhibition catalog, photobook, or scholarly monograph.

Submissions must be in English and authored or edited by current members of the Photography Network.

A call for entry is made public, each year, when entries are sought. For general inquiries, please email Awards Coordinator Candice Jansen.

Project Grant

The Photography Network project grant is designed to help emerging scholars, curators, and artists with funds needed to complete a work in progress.

This grant of up to $1000 will support the publication of a book or article, or the mounting of an exhibition that cannot be completed in its most desirable form without a subsidy. Funds can be used toward future expenses or to reimburse expenses already incurred.

A call for entry is made public, each year, when entries are sought. For general inquiries, please email Awards Coordinator Candice Jansen.



If you have questions about either of the awards, contact Awards Coordinator Candice Jansen